📥 Newsletter #5 - LinkedIn Engagement Pipeline Strategy

The Newsletter that the Gurus Hate 🤯

B2B LeadGen Insider Newsletter #005

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Might be as simple as sharing the link on your LinkedIn Account 🤷‍♂️

Here are this week's top 2 tips:

Tips for Sharing Slides on LinkedIn (Templates or Carousels)

  1. LinkedIn Slides of 7 Work Best

  2. Use Less than 60 Words Per Slide

  3. Strong Visual First Slide (15 Words on this slide)

  4. 2,000 Character Max Post to accompany the slides

  5. Don’t share PDFs of regular pages, only social media built carousels.

  6. Don’t use only slides with Words

  7. Include an engaging (non-commercial) CTA (last slide)

  8. Picture of you does 80-90% more reach

  9. Black, Yellow, Red Slides Performed the best

s/o Richard Vanderbloom for his research on the LinkedIn Algorithm.

Low Engaged & High Value Content Strategy (Connect and Engage)

Outbound Prospecting Strategy on LinkedIn (Engagement + Boomer Method)

Step 1)

  • Create Ideal Customer Profile

  • Identify all Stakeholders at Company (Decision Makers, Influencers, Champions, Mobilizers)

Step 2)

  • Start Engaging (Click their Bell, Hit Follow, Add Groups, Save as Leads - Sales Navigator)

  • Comment on relative posts. Be genuine.

  • Create a Document with Research from your Account Plan so you're relevant on comments.

Step 3)

  • Setup a calendar (Engage for 3 weeks) - no selling

  • Send Connection Request

    • PRO TIP: If you're in the same group, you don't have to be connected)

    • (PRO TIP: You can send a lot of inMails to people with Premium Open Networker)

Step 4)

  • Engage several times, but then DM Conversational Starter

  • Offer to share X, because you researched Y (don't send unless they say yes)

Step 5)

  • Target Content (Templates, Cheatsheets, Mini-Courses)

  • Goal is Positive Responses / Conversations / Setting the Meeting

Here are a few other PRO Tips to Follow:

  • Engage with people's lowest engaged posts, this generates a lot of attention but make sure there is value there.

  • Your profile is your landing page, supply links they will go to it and make sure it's relevant.

  • Leverage tools like Taplio to blast through lists fast.

  • Look for a 30% Accepted Connections.

  • Use Sales Navigator to help segment and cohort this list (definitely look at Spotlight Searches)

For Premium Members: 🔐

What should you be Automating?

For premium members, I've put my automation strategy below...

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